Roofing Tips

Roof Tips to Prepare For Hurricane Season

With proper planning and proactive measures, you can minimize the risks and protect your property from the destructive forces of a hurricane.

Hurricanes are natural disasters that can wreak havoc on homes and businesses alike. Among the various elements of a structure, the roof is one of the most vulnerable areas during hurricane season. 

In this comprehensive guide, our team of hurricane proof roof experts in Brevard County are exploring how Florida homeowners and commercial business owners can prepare their roofs to avoid damage during hurricane season. With proper planning and proactive measures, you can minimize the risks and protect your property from the destructive forces of a hurricane.

How Hurricanes Can Affect Your Roof

Hurricanes are among the most powerful natural disasters on Earth, and their destructive capabilities extend far beyond the immediate impact of strong winds and heavy rains. One area of your property that’s particularly vulnerable during hurricane season is your roof.

Wind Damage

The first and most obvious threat that hurricanes pose to your roof is the sheer force of the wind. Hurricane winds can reach speeds of over 150 miles per hour, and these powerful gusts can easily tear off roofing materials, shingles, or tiles. Even if your roof remains intact, high winds can loosen roofing components and create openings where water can infiltrate.

Flying Debris

Hurricanes are known for hurling debris through the air at incredible speeds. Tree branches, signs, and other objects become dangerous projectiles during a storm. If they collide with your roof, they can cause significant damage, including punctures, tears, and dents.

Water Infiltration

Heavy rainfall is a hallmark of hurricanes, and if your roof is compromised by wind or debris, water can quickly find its way into your home or commercial property. Even minor leaks can lead to extensive water damage, including rot, mold growth, and compromised structural integrity.

Roof Uplift

The powerful updrafts created by hurricane winds can exert tremendous pressure on your roof. This upward force, known as roof uplift, can cause the roof to lift away from the structure, leading to catastrophic damage. Proper roof anchoring and reinforcement are essential to prevent this.


Structural Stress

Hurricanes can place extreme stress on the entire structure of your property, including the roof. Prolonged exposure to high winds can weaken the roof’s supporting structures, making it more susceptible to damage during the storm.

Post-Hurricane Roof Damage

Even after the hurricane has passed, the potential for roof damage remains. Ongoing exposure to the elements, such as rain and moisture, can exacerbate existing roof issues. Therefore, it’s essential to conduct post-hurricane roof inspections to assess any damage that may have occurred.

How Florida Homeowners Can Prepare their Roof for Hurricane Season 

Living in the beautiful Sunshine State of Florida comes with many perks, but it also means being well-acquainted with the annual threat of hurricanes. These powerful tropical storms can wreak havoc on homes, and one of the most vulnerable areas is undoubtedly the roof. As a Florida homeowner, preparing your roof for hurricane season is not just a smart move– it’s a necessity.

Schedule a Roof Inspection

Regular roof inspections are the first line of defense against hurricane-related roof damage. Schedule routine roof inspections, preferably twice a year, to identify and address issues before they become major problems. Look for loose roofing shingles, damaged tiles, and signs of wear and tear.

Clean Gutters and Drains

Clean out gutters and drains to ensure proper water flow. Clogged gutters can lead to water pooling on your roof, increasing the risk of leaks and structural damage.

Repair Damaged Shingles or Tiles

Replace any damaged or missing shingles or tiles promptly. Damaged roofing materials can compromise the roof’s integrity during a hurricane.

Secure Loose Components

Check for loose roof components, such as vents, chimney caps, and satellite dishes. Secure or reinforce these items to prevent them from becoming projectiles during a storm.

Trim Overhanging Trees

Trim branches and limbs that overhang your roof. During a hurricane, these branches can break off and damage your roof or allow water to accumulate.

Install Hurricane Straps

Hurricane straps are designed to secure the roof to the structure’s frame, preventing the roof from lifting off during strong winds. These straps provide extra stability and are essential for preventing hurricane-related roof damage.

Reinforce Doors and Windows

Strengthen doors and windows with hurricane shutters or impact-resistant glass. Secure garage doors to prevent wind from entering and causing pressure on your roof system’s components. 

How to Prepare Your Commercial Roof for Hurricane Season

Commercial property owners understand the importance of safeguarding their investments, and in hurricane-prone regions, like coastal areas or cities with a history of tropical storms, protecting your commercial roof is paramount.


Install a Fluid Roof for Flat Roofs

For business owners, installing a fluid roof on a flat roof can be a smart move. A fluid-applied roofing system forms a seamless, watertight membrane that can help seal existing leaks and prevent them from worsening during a hurricane. It’s an effective way to enhance the overall resilience of your commercial building.

Schedule a Professional Roof Inspection

Hire a professional roofing contractor to conduct a thorough inspection of your commercial roof. They can identify existing issues and recommend necessary repairs or maintenance.

Clean and and Remove Debris

Clear your roof of any debris, such as leaves, branches, and litter. Debris can clog drains and create water pooling areas, increasing the risk of leaks.

Repair Leaks or Weak Points

Address any known leaks or weak points in the roofing system promptly. These vulnerabilities can lead to more significant damage during a hurricane. For business owners, consider installing a fluid roof on a flat roof as a way to seal any existing leaks and prevent them from becoming a bigger issue after the hurricane.

Reinforce Roofing Materials

Consider using impact-resistant roofing materials that can withstand the force of flying debris. Reinforce roof-to-wall connections and other critical areas.

Install a Metal Roof

Metal roofing is often considered one of the best choices for hurricane-prone regions due to its durability and resistance to various types of weather-related damage.

Benefits of a metal roofing system include:

  • High Wind Resistance

  • Impact Resistance

  • Secure Installation

  • Longevity

  • Fire Resistance

  • Minimal Water Absorption

  • Low Maintenance

  • Energy Efficiency

What to Do if Your Roof is Damaged by a Hurricane

Experiencing a hurricane can be a harrowing and stressful event, especially when it leads to roof damage. When your roof is compromised during a hurricane, it’s essential to take immediate action to prevent further harm and begin the process of recovery.

Ensure Safety First

The safety of you and your family should always be the top priority. If your roof has sustained damage during a hurricane, there might be additional hazards, such as exposed electrical wires, weakened structures, or hidden dangers. If your home is no longer safe due to extensive damage, evacuate to a secure location as directed by local authorities.

Document the Damage

Before any repairs can take place, thorough documentation of the damage is essential, both for insurance purposes and to guide the repair process. Use your smartphone or camera to capture clear images and videos of the damaged areas from multiple angles. Write down a description of the damage, including the location, extent, and any potential safety concerns.

Communicate with Your Insurance Company

Share the documentation of the damage you collected earlier with your insurance company. Maintain open communication with your insurer throughout the claims process, responding promptly to any requests for information.

Contact a Professional Roofer

After ensuring the immediate safety of your property, the next step is to contact a professional roofing contractor with experience in hurricane damage repairs. Ensure that the chosen contractor possesses the required permits and licenses to perform the needed repairs in your area.

Schedule Repairs with a Roofing Company

Once you’ve selected a reputable roofing contractor who specializes in hurricane relief for residential and commercial roofs, schedule the permanent repairs for your damaged roof. The contractor will assess the damage, provide recommendations, and initiate the necessary repairs or roof replacement.

Take Preventative Measures for Future Hurricanes

To reduce the risk of future hurricane damage to your roof, consider taking proactive measures such as reinforcing your roof, installing impact-resistant materials, and ensuring proper maintenance. Discuss these options with your roofing professional to enhance your property’s resilience to future storms.

Prepare for Hurricane Season with Our Florida Roof Experts

Are you ready to fortify your Florida property against the fury of hurricane season? Don’t leave the safety of your home or business to chance. Our team of experienced roofing experts is here to help you prepare and protect your investment.

Whether you need a free inspection to assess your roof’s current condition or a free estimate for strengthening and fortifying your roofing system, we’re just a call away. Take the proactive step towards hurricane preparedness by scheduling your free inspection or estimate today. Together, we’ll ensure your peace of mind when the next storm approaches.

Get started today by calling Roof Experts at (321) 313-5680 or filling out the contact form below.